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All Transnet Freight Rail tenders are available for free download on the
 National Treasury eTender​ website. Follow the link to the tender opportunities and
advertised tenders. All bidders (excluding foreign) must be registered on the
 National Treasury Central Supplier Database​ (CSD) in order to bid for Transnet tenders,
and only registered suppliers can be awarded business​. 

Please Note: The Tender Items are grouped by the following categories: 
 (Goods;  Goods & Services;  Services;  Siding Lease;  Slots) , as well as Tender Status (closed/open),  &  in  descending  order of  Tender Closing date. 
Please use the  (horizontal & or vertical) scroll bars  to navigate within the Tender List . 

To view full details of the Tender item & to access the Tender documents click on the Tender-Number of interest. ​​


 TFR Tender Listing

Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the menu (new window).
T e n d e r D e s c r i p t i o n
Briefing Details
collapse Tender Category : Goods ‎(236)
collapse Tender Category : Goods and Services ‎(128)
collapse Tender Category : Services ‎(233)
collapse Tender Category : Siding Lease ‎(4)

The TFR TENDER DOCUMENT Library is only accessible for (additional/supporting) files related to Specific Tender Numbers, and will be made available in those circumstances. Please check the Tender number is correct before accessing to download.  You have the option of downloading either the 

​​​1. Zipped​ file or

2. Individual files. 

Note: Downloading of content is dependent on the Network, strength and speed.

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