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​Dangerous Misconduct


 Railway safety dangerous misconduct

  • Stone throwing is the act of throwing stones and other objects at passing trains. The actions of throwing objects of stones at a train puts the lives of the train crew at risk.

  • Vandalism is the deliberate damage of railway property fences, bridges, signalling equipment, railway tracks, overhead wires, yards, wagons and equipment are private property and trespassers are subject to arrest and fine.

  • Train obstruction The placing of obstacles on the railway track or damaging the track so that train traffic is disrupted resulting in derailments and railway damages.

  • Cable theft Cable theft is posing an increased threat on the quality of our tap water as it can lead to contamination at water plants. The impact of cable theft hampers economic growth and business productivity, directly curbing job creation in the process. It is essential to have efficient passenger and freight train operations for the daily economic growth within South Africa. Continuous theft of cables on train lines means that some people are not able to go to work and do their daily tasks. The theft of rail material poses great risk to our infrastructure and could lead to train derailments

  • Stealing TFR assets There are various problematic issues affecting TFR’s day to day operations in the acts of theft and vandalism of TFR assets. Theft and vandalism of Transnet Freight Rail assets contribute to the poor service delivery that in turn has an impact on the business, our clients and the South African economy. We have communities that have volunteered to partner with TFR security officials and assist with patrols near the railway lines during their routine community street patrol shifts. They form part of our scrap yard visits with the police as they are more likely to identify the suspects in situations where TFR materials/assets are found at Scrap Yard Dealers.

Safety Vision

“Our daily freight rail operations to be accident and injury free in all our operating areas and Africa at large inspiring our stakeholders to have a safety mind-set at all times.”

"Remember to Stop, look, listen and think, when you are at a pedestrian level crossing."