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The Rail Ca​det Programme is a programme that formed part of TFR’s response to the critical skills shortage.
The Programme is a contributing factor to the development opportunity of learners with potential in Mathematics (Pure) , Physical Science & Accounting.
The leaners in turn will form part of the feeder channels within the  Operational division,   Rail Network environment  and  Commercial stream line​.


Rail Cadet Programme

The Rail Cadet Program aims to create a skills pool for Transnet Freight Rail, to build capacity ahead of demand.

To create a pool for future bursars, young professionals in Training and Technicians in Training or direct employment within Transnet Freight Rail. 


These learners, on condition that they maintain the required minimum academic performance standards throughout the duration of their participation in the Programme, will be given a chance to apply for full time bursaries to study at a university or Technical Institution within South Africa. 

At completion of their high schooling system, the pupils recruited will mostly come from the critical areas as well as hot areas as identified. 


The Rail Cadet Programme targets learners in Grade 10-12, who are consistent and perform well in Mathematics & Physical Science and Accounting. 


This intervention provides Transnet Freight Rail with an opportunity to create a candidate pool for future bursars / employees and to make a difference to the skills base in South Africa, thereby creating synergy within TFR's imperatives and social responsibility. 


The Corporate Affairs department will continuously assist in identifying public schools that are on the Transnet railway network to participate in these programmes.

The school principals will be the point of contact and they will be contracted in the programme on behalf of the learners.

The Capacity Development Department in TFR will liaise with both learners and parents through the school principal to ensure ​​that all parties fully understand the terms and conditions as well as the benefits of the programme thereof.​ 


Minimum Requirements:

·         (>50%) for Mathematics, Physical Science & Accounting

·         Continuation of the Programme will depend on the academic performance of the learner. The number of sponsorships to be renewed annually, Non - SA citizens are not eligible for sponsorship​

Programme Sponsorship includes:

·         Learner Study Guides

·         School uniform​​

·         Support programme to enhance Maths, Science and Accounting marks​

·         Successful learners are identified and developed in the fields of Engineering, Technical ,Accounting, Operations, Safety and Commercial streams


Programme Milestones:

·         ​​Since its inception in 2012 to date, 10722 learners have been sponsored to the total amount of R26,8m

·         Sponsorship includes uniform and study guides

·         To date, only 18 learners were awarded Transnet Full Time bursaries, 10 are in the employ of Transnet

The Rail Cadet target for this coming financial year is 1500 learners representing all TFR Corridors​
